News & Events Summer 2023

Hello and howdy!

Hope all are well. Here in the US Northeast it’s been gray, rainy and muggy. Great weather for Thailand or Guatemala not so much Maine. Well the plants are growing and there’s little chance of forest fires. But you didn’t come here for the weather did you?

You may have noticed a bit fewer releases coming from me and Condition Human. Not that you were worried but there’s no cause for concern. Put simply it’s intentional. At the beginning of the year I thought about what I wanted to do in the coming year; what I wanted to accomplish in my musical life as well as life in general. The overriding result was “to get out of my own way.” That’s unfolded in a number of ways both unexpected and somewhat terrifying. It’s been a fascinating process and I feel that I’ve grown as a human as well as an artist.

Musically it meant a number of things one of which was to throw out old ideas and learn: learn new gear, new methods & techniques, learn how to play more from my body, mind & soul more than anything else. And it’s happening. I think you’ll find the results evident in upcoming releases.

Speaking of which…

Some cool stuff I’m involved in has come out recently that I think you’ll dig. First and foremost is my collaboration with Solypsis entitled CATHOPSIS. I’m really proud of this as it’s a big departure from my usual music and the first collaboration with another musician in a long time. It’s safe to say it drew James and I out from our respective shells into some very interesting and unexpected territory. It’s also the first physical release of my music in 200 - I’m sorry - 20+ years and that’s rad. You can get it now on Component Recordings!

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 786px;" src="" seamless><a href="">Cathopsis by Cathopsis</a></iframe>

And coming up in September is my album THE EXPEDITIONS on Heterodox Recordings. I’m so excited about this for a number of reasons. It’s the final album in a current cycle while also being the first where I’m taking things to another level. I hope this comes through in the hearing of it when it drops in September. It’s a heavy one in many ways (what of mine isn’t? lol) while it’s also a bridge to the next level. And it’s out on Heterodox Recordings run my my friend Ramon Mills (aka Production Unit Xero) with artwork by the visionary genius that is Mattia Travaglini (who is also the boss of Viral Conspiracy Records in Italy).

There’s more to come in the Fall so keep an eye out for that!

Peas out!

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